Mediation Fees
The fee for a day of mediation is $12,000. A full day consists of reasonable preparation time, eight hours of running time on the day of the mediation and reasonable follow-up time, if necessary. Additional time on the day of the mediation will be billed to the parties at the rate of $1,200 per hour. Jeff is generally available for additional time on the day of the mediation.
The fee for a Four-Hour Mediation (available only in Los Angeles and only in cases with up to three parties) is $8,000. Jeff is generally not available for additional time on the day of the mediation on half day cases. Additional time on the day of the Four-Hour Mediation is available only in Four-Hour increments. Four-Hour Mediations are generally scheduled in the afternoon.
There is no Nickel-and-Diming on mediation fees. Jeff has designed his fee structure to meet your concerns. You pay one Mediation Fee.
Fees must be deposited in advance and may not be refunded if the mediation is canceled or taken off calendar within 14 days of the scheduled date.
Jeff’s policy:
- ZERO Administrative Fee or Case Management Fee
- FREE Validated Parking (In Jeff’s Downtown Los Angeles office)
- FREE Gourmet Lunch (in Jeff’s Downtown Los Angeles office)
- ZERO charge for travel time, airfare, lodging and other travel costs (Continental U.S.)
- ZERO charge for reasonable preparation and follow up time
- ZERO charge for photocopying, postage or long-distance telephone
Mediation briefs are recommended. Generally, the best practice is for counsel to consider preparing a brief to be exchanged with opposing counsel, and a supplemental “confidential” brief to be provided only to Jeff. The first brief, to be exchanged with opposing counsel, should be prepared on line-numbered pleading paper. The supplemental “confidential” brief should be prepared on counsel’s letterhead. Jeff recommends that clients be provided with opposing counsel’s brief, as well as their own, in advance of the mediation, so that clients can be prepared as well as possible to discuss the concerns which are likely to arise at the mediation. Briefs are requested five business days before the date scheduled for the mediation.
Jeff recommends that, before the mediation, counsel discuss their plans regarding who will, and will not, be attending the mediation. Nothing is worse than a surprise. Generally, mediations work best when more, rather than fewer, people attend. The structure of the mediation (including the sequence and timing of joint sessions, private caucuses and attorneys-only caucuses) can be adjusted to meet the needs of the participants. Jeff is available for pre-mediation telephone consultations and conference calls to help with any questions which may arise in this process.
Contact Jeff today
When does a lawyer need a mediator?
When your case hits a point of diminishing returns.
When you need help to find face-saving finality.
Call me.
I will make the time for you.
To schedule a case please call 888-425-2520
For other information, please call Jeff at his Direct Dial number, 310-721-5785, or email him here.
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